
Hola in English : What is the meaning 

Hola in English

Hola in English : What is the meaning 

Hola in English : What is the meaning

Hola in English is Hello, Hi, Hey, so when we translates Hola from Spanish Language to English Language we see words Hello and its synonyms. Actully it is an expression of greeting.

Hola is an interjection word, which means in English Language to these words Hello, Hi, Hey, Hullo, Hallo, and Hoy.

1.      Here is the English word Hello! This word is used in Spanish language these different ways ¡Hola!, ¡Caramba!, ¡Oiga!, ¡Diga!, ¡Bueno!, ¡Vale! These are the words we can use to say Hello to anyone.
2.      If we are willing to say Hi! Then just say ¡Hola!
3.      And for Hey! Just say ¡Hola!, ¡Eh! In Spanish language.
4.      For Hullo! Just use these words ¡Hola!, ¡Caramba!, ¡Oiga!, ¡Diga!, ¡Bueno!, ¡Aló!
5.      While using Hallo! Word, We will use these Spanish words ¡Hola!, ¡Caramba!, ¡Oiga!, ¡Bueno!
6.      For Hoy! We will use these Spanish words ¡Eh!, ¡Hola!


Hola in english pronunciation

It is Sounds like ow·laa and H is silent in this word Hola some people pronunciation as

Owlaa, But best is ow·laa in English American Language.
Here is the Spanish version

Faqs about Hola word

Question: What is hola in english google translate

Answer: When we translate in English Google its “Hello”

See also  What are you up to meaning with complete details

Question: Hola word which language it is

Answer: Hola is a Spanish language word

Question: Is Hola Spanish or Mexican?

Answer: Hola is a Spanish word it’s not Mexican word its meaning in English is Hello, Hey, Hi, or any related word.

Question: Does Hola mean goodbye too?

Answer: No, Hola not mean goodbye its meaning is Hello, or Hi it’s a Spanish word that is used for greetings.


At the end of this short discussion we finds that Hola in Inglis language is just like Hello or Hi, so it’s a greeting word. I hope you understand better about this topic if you have any question in feel free to ask thanks for reading 🙂  For more related topics keep reading hookstap.com website for more details.

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