
keflectoflafen flafenflurfen potetaflingin faflafen meaning

keflectoflafen flafenflurfen potetaflingin faflafen means

keflectoflafen flafenflurfen potetaflingin faflafen meaning

keflectoflafen flafenflurfen potetaflingin faflafen meaning

It was a traditional Scandinavian wedding blessing given by Rose to Sophia at her wedding.”Keflectoflafen flafenflurfen, potetaflingin faflafen.” we will see what is the meaning of this phrase of words.

It is a part of Sophia’s Wedding Season 4, Episode 6 – It was Aired November 19, 1988


Sophia gets married to an old friend Max Weinstock to Dorothy’s dismay; Blanche and Rose start a local chapter of the Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Love Elvis Fan Club.

Here the seen was

Blanche: Oh, Sophia. Honey, I want to wish you all the happiness in the world.
Sophia: Oh, thank you, Blanche.
Rose: And Sophia, I want to offer you a traditional Scandinavian wedding blessing. Keflectoflafen flafenflurfen. potetaflingin faflafen.
Sophia: I’m really touched. I’m also soaking wet.

St. Olaf dictionary Vocab

“Keflectoflafen flafenflurfen, potetaflingin faflafen.” – Scandinavian wedding blessing

Watch the video from Sophia’s Wedding Season 4, Episode 6 further details

We have added the short part where Rose uses these words at the wedding of Sophia so that you people can easy understand what was happend and it was really a funny moment 🙂

Question: What is the answer of Keflectoflafen flafenflurfen.
potetaflingin faflafen.

The answer will be I’m really touched. I’m also soaking wet. 🙂

Final words

I hope you understand what keflectoflafen flafenflurfen potetaflingin faflafen meaning its no more than a a traditional Scandinavian wedding blessing. So if you have any further details related to this then feel free to give us more information so that we can spread more and more information to our users that are the facts. Thanks for reading 🙂

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Also see this gefleckte flaffen fleffen floeffen, verfette flingen verflaffen! Hilarious!

Translate to English

flecked flaffen fleffen floeffen, greased flingen flaffen! Hilarious!

Sources of the article

  1. Source  Tvquot  https://tvquot.es/the-golden-girls/sophias-wedding/3/
  2. Source  Transcripts.Foreverdreaming https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?t=41230
  3. Source  Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/theGoldenGirls/comments/ozpzie/you_dont_have_to_be_amish_to_look_amish_in/

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